
Every day One Sentence: If one hears bad music it is one's duty to drown it by one's conversation. 假如你聽到一段難聽的音樂,你有必要用大聲談話的音量來蓋過它。~英國作家 王爾德(摘自施宇

2011年11月20日 星期日

Have fun in cooking Mi Hu Kuey

I woke up this morning with a stiff shoulder. When I heard mum told Ana to cook Mi Hu Kuey as our breakfast, I was so excited and volunteered myself to assist as I wished to learn cooking Mi Hu Kuey.

Every time when my mum or Ana preparing Mi Hu Kuey, I would just stand aside, watch and write down the process. I had never tried to do it myself. Now, it is the time for me to do so. I believe if I can prepare it myself, for sure I will be able to write it out more realistically.

This time, Ana became my master. Firstly, she put in the flour, potato starch, oil, egg and some water. I was the one who knead the dough.

After adding in some water into the mixture, I knead the dough and found that it was so sticky. The mixture stuck within my fingers. Before this, I always felt that it was an easy task to knead the dough as every time Ana also able to knead it easily. But why I couldn’t do it well after kneading if for such a long time?

Finally, I had done with the kneading but the dough seemed too soft. Since Ana was experienced in cooking Mi Hu Kuey, she knew what’s wrong with the mixture. She said that too much water had been added into the mixture so she said must add some flour.

“If you want to remove those flour within your fingers, spread some flour onto palms and it will be removed together with those flour.” Now only I learn this new technique.

After adding in some extra flour, it was really easier to knead the dough. But my technique was still improper. Ana taught me to use my lower palm to knead the dough hard. This is to make sure that the mixture is kneaded evenly.

Finally, I saw the familiar look of the dough. But its surface still seemed uneven, didn’t look like what Ana told me. I started to feel doubt if I had missed any steps. There was still some flour stuck within the dough.

Ana told me there was no problem with the dough and we just need to put it aside for a while. Mum came and she also told me that there was no problem with the dough. Ana told me, if I wanted to know whether the dough was ready for cooking, I just need to take a piece of the dough and pull it. Fortunately, the dough was a success!

The dough was covered to avoid contacting the air as it would make the surface of the dough became stiff. I put it aside for a while. When I came back to see it, it really became smooth. From this experience, I had understood that some food need time to be prepared. I’m really an impatient person.

“I have no confident with your Mi Hu Kuey,” my younger sister said.

“If you really have not confident with my cooking, then just don’t eat it since no one force you to do so,” I told her.

“But I’m hungry now so no choice. When hungry, sure eat anything also will find it delicious,” she replied. It sounds so pity.

“Moreover, you need to wait until very hungry only eat it, right?” Both of us thought of the dialogue in “Trophobiont” last night. After that, we grinned to each other.

I and Ana pinched the Mi Hu Kuey into the boiling soup. She told me she only use 3 fingers to pinch the dough. She told me to pinch the dough into small pieces but every time I also pinched it so thickly.

“Let me tell all of you. You all need to eat Mi Hu Kuey for the next few weeks until I can cook it successfully. But I’m sure all of you will turn from loving it to hating eating it.Haha…”

I and younger sister had our Mi Hu Kuey at kaki lima, enjoying the wind blowing from the sea. I was very nervous when my sister started eating it. I asked for her opinion about my cooking.

“I feel the Mi Hu Kuey is so thick.” I told her my weakness first.

“Yes, it’s really a bit thick. I can also taste the uneven flour within the Mi Hu Kuey and it’s so irritating.” Last time I also faced the same problem. This time there’s some improvement.

This is the first time I cook Mi Hu Kuey, but I feel satisfied.

I want to improve myself next time in cooking Mi Hu Kuey. Thus, I need to involve in the making process from the start until the end in order to make sure that I could do the Mi Hu Kuey by myself.

For those housewives, cooking a Mi Hu Kuey is an easy task. But I like to see the progress of preparing Mi Hu Guey. It’s really wonderful when I could prepare food made by myself.

I hope I could cook a variety of food for my family. But please remember to eat something first before you come and taste my food. I won’t be responsible if you face with stomach problem. Haha …

After finished preparing Mi Hu Kuey, there’s no more stiffness on my both shoulders. It’s really so amazing!

You know why I’m writing so much here? This is because I have created my own column in http://www.8egg.net/portal.php?mod=list&catid=20. It had been started since September. If you have the time, please click on this website and browse through my work.

Thank you!


親身上陣樂趣多 ~ 麵粉粿

















煮熟的麵粉粿上桌後,我和老妹兩人各一碗,坐在五腳基前,邊享受海 邊品嚐美食。我頻頻瞄她是否開始吃第一片的麵粉粿,然後急著問她感覺如何? 








還有還有,說了那麼多,我其實也是想向大家推薦我在另一個網站的 http://www.8egg.net/portal.php?mod=list&catid=20的《味蕾深處最古早的想念》專欄。已經開始一個月多,有機會的話,勞煩多多捧場咯!謝謝大家!


11 則留言:

  1. 哇~ 这次自己来写英文了?呵呵~ 好好好!

    摆得威~ 这个我早几年前就会煮啦!哎哟哟~~~~

  2. 不是,是不好意思麻煩妳,找了我二嫂幫忙,哈哈。。


  3. 我不喜欢吃这东西,或许其中跟它的名字有关,哈哈
    我们槟城的mi hun kuey是面粉煎饼,我来到吉隆坡后很纳闷为什么kuey(糕)竟然是一碗汤?



  4. 哈哈。。原來還有這樣的典故。師傅啊,妳的北馬情意結好深哦!呵呵。。


  5. 我还不够我家人严重,至少粗面条的板面我吃,而且干辣椒板面是我的最爱(我觉得那是吉隆坡唯一好吃的面条,嘿嘿)。我哥来吉隆坡,特别交待tolong你们不要叫我吃那个板面,哈哈


  6. 师傅,妳的家人都很有原則,難怪妳也如此,哈哈。。


  7. 丽丝,

  8. 彼海角是此海角嗎?

    也許, 板面, 面粉糕 (其實和板面相似, 但不完像), KL福建面是一等一的好吃. 很奇怪檳城人不會欣賞, 還好我老婆喜歡前兩個. :)

  9. 比十力








  10. 东京背包旅行,还不错。


  11. 哇,去東京背包旅行喔?去多久?會花費很高嗎?


