
Every day One Sentence: If one hears bad music it is one's duty to drown it by one's conversation. 假如你聽到一段難聽的音樂,你有必要用大聲談話的音量來蓋過它。~英國作家 王爾德(摘自施宇

2011年8月18日 星期四

Shut Up! Just Do it!

Finally, I’ve finished reading Alan Eiew’s book I took me one month time to finish up, more than what I had expected.

I even stop reading < Encho Legacy>. I have so many things to learn, I don’t know which one come first.

The writer is a motivational speaker. He has been participated in a lot of seminars, because he likes to learn new thing to improve himself.

He is different form others motivational speakers who just focused on the methods to motivate someone, Alan emphasis on taking action to realize your dream. If we keep thinking about our dream without any acotion or put it into the hand of fate, we wouldn’t go anywhere.

One of the features of this book is that writer will play with the words that will intrigue reader to keep reading on.

I could feel the sincerity of the writer through his writing which didn’t intended to create the fantasy of being succeful easily.

He said that the successful person didn’t cheat you ; they just didn’t tell you everything.

Why some people can achieve successdul but not us? They don’t rely on luck, they just did their best and lyck will follow as a bonus to compensate their hard work.

Besides, they had strong desire to motivate themselves, the most important trait they possess is being persistent which I’m lack of. I’m type of person who give up easily

Every day we need to face a lot of problem in our life. The day we stop facing problem is the day our life stopped. Actually, those problems are helping us to growth, to be mature.

Problems are ordeal sent by God. When we could solve those problems successfully, mean we also learned a new skill on solving problems.

One day, when you look back to all the past events in your life, you’ll be happy thay you’d made a right decision of changing your life.

I like these ideas from the book:

Firstly, matters are neutral. However, different people take different approach in dealing with it because everyone has different emotion and thinking over the matter.

Secondly, you just have to be the only one, but not the number 1.

Why? If you are No.1, one day you will replace by others. When you are the only one, nobody can replace you. You are the special one in the world!

Third, you must ask a lot of question to help you find yourself like Who you are? What you want to do and etc. This is your life; you can control your fate.

This book really gave me a lot of ideas. Actually until now, I am still looking for my goal. I start to feeling loss and don’t know what I want although I have been asked myself numerous of times. I tried to find it by myself, no matter how difficult it is. This is a promise to myself.

Shut Up!去做!

我終於啃完游永濟的《Shut Up!去做!》。這本書,花了我一個月的時間才看完,比預期中的時間更久。沒辦法,這段時間都沉迷在英文文字中,實在沒多少時間能看書。 







為什麼成功者會有成就,偏偏不是我們? 他們不靠運氣,衹是把想要做的事做好,運氣就會像個獎勵隨之而來。

除此之外,他們也有強烈的慾望推動他們。最重要的是他們都堅持到底。這就是我所缺乏的,我太容易放棄。總是想做自己喜歡的事,卻沒為將來深思熟慮。 我真的希望自己從現在起能改掉這陋習。

每一天,我們都要面對生命中的許許多多問題。當我們有天不再有問題,也就證明生命就此停頓。問題是來自生命中的停留。其實,那些問題是來幫助我們成長那個和變成熟。它們是上天派來的間諜來考驗我們。 當我們能成功解決問題,表示我們也學多一樣解決問題的技巧。



第一, 事情本事都是中立的,是不同人的處理方式造成了不同的結果。畢竟人就是加自己的情緒和意見,導致不同的結果。

第二, 你要成為唯一而非第一!


第三, 在尋找自己的過程中,你須問自己許多問題,如你是誰,你想做什麼等。這是你的生命,你能自己做主。



7 則留言:

  1. 我以为你在朝着目标前进。。那,你找到了吗?

  2. 哈哈。。大目標從來沒放棄過。可是,還是有些是事業上的目標有待解決。


  3. wow,

    just do it!it's NIKE!

  4. 哈哈。。我就想到有人會這樣說,但沒想到是你,哈哈。。

  5. 淑君



  6. 我过得不错,老样子,将要递交辞呈…找一天周末跟你回瓜雪,那里已经变成旅游区了…呵呵

